Welcome Hillfy333!
i'm a few years older than you and started being indoctrinated when my mom accepted a free home bible study when I was about 7. I was baptized at 14 and pioneered for a few years, was a Ministerial Servant in my early 20's and left in disgust when I learned that there was a pedophile in my congregation (Middle Village Cong, NYC) and that the elders decided to cover up the scandal to protect Jehovah's Righteous Name. This was in the mid-1970s, decades before Bill Bowen and silentlambs exposed the Watchtower Pedophile Paradise to the world. By the time I began my fade I had delivered my first Sunday Public Talk.
I'm sure the cognitive dissonance you experienced as a consequence of your research was INTENSE.
As good as Ray Franz' books were, keep in mind that he was not the first and not the only "apostate" who revealed the inner working of the WTB&TS. Some, because of gratitude for how Ray's books helped them, have elevated him to near-cult status and joined what I call "the Ray Franz Fan Club." Don't fall into the fanboy trap.
It will be interesting to hear what other issues were important to you in addition to the UN scandal and what your thoughts are about ways to aid the collapse of the WTB&TS.
Best wishes.